石油炼制与化工 ›› 2024, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (2): 1-9.

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  1. 中国石油大学(北京)化学工程与环境学院
  • 收稿日期:2023-09-21 修回日期:2023-11-02 出版日期:2024-02-12 发布日期:2024-01-29
  • 通讯作者: 杨英 E-mail:yyang@cup.edu.cn


  • Received:2023-09-21 Revised:2023-11-02 Online:2024-02-12 Published:2024-01-29

摘要: 随着我国碳中和目标的推进,探索、使用可再生能源成为当前的研究热点,其中,电解水制氢作为一种绿色、可规模化生产H2的能源技术而备受关注。电解水过程主要涉及两个半反应,即析氢反应(HER)与析氧反应(OER)。目前规模制氢的效率较低,因此开发高效催化剂提升电解水效率是提高制氢效率的核心。高效电解水催化剂应具有大量暴露活性位点、高电导率和长寿命。界面作为催化反应的主要场所,可通过调变界面原子排布、电子结构来调控反应的路径。界面工程能够调变催化剂以使其获得新的物化性质和优异的协同效应,由于增加了活性位点密度,能大幅提升电解水催化剂的活性及稳定性。因此,在纳米尺度调变界面结构以开发高效电解水催化剂非常必要。综述了3种主要的界面结构以及界面结构调控策略,为界面结构调控强化电解水性能提供理论信息参考。

关键词: 界面结构, 电解水, 析氢反应, 析氧反应, 催化剂

Abstract: With the advancement of carbon neutrality goalin China, the exploration and utilization of renewable energy has become a hot research topic, in which hydrogen production by electrolytic water as a green,large-scale production of H2 energy technology has attracted much attention.The process of water electrolysis mainly involves two half reactions, namely hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER). At present, the efficiency of hydrogen production on a large scale is low, so the development of efficient catalysts to improve the efficiency of water electrolysis is the core to improve the efficiency of hydrogen production. High-efficiency electrocatalysts should have a large number of exposed active sites, high conductivity and long life.As the main site for catalytic reactions, the interface can be regulated to tailor the reaction path by adjusting the interfaceatomic arrangement and electronic structure. Interface engineering can modify the catalyst to obtain new physicochemical properties and excellent synergistic effects. Due to the increased density of active sites, the activity and stability of electrocatalysts can be greatly improved. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the interface structure at the nanoscale to develop efficient electrocatalysts for water splitting.In this paper, three main interface structures and interface structure control strategies were reviewed, which could provide guide for interface structure control to enhance the electrocatalytic performance.

Key words: interface structure, water electrolysis, hydrogen evolution reaction, oxygen evolution reaction, catalyst