石油炼制与化工 ›› 2025, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (2): 137-141.

• 分析与评定 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 中海油惠州石化有限公司
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-29 修回日期:2024-10-21 出版日期:2025-02-12 发布日期:2025-01-16
  • 通讯作者: 黄小珠 E-mail:huangxzh1@126.com


  • Received:2024-07-29 Revised:2024-10-21 Online:2025-02-12 Published:2025-01-16

摘要: 针对煤柴油加氢裂化装置原料过滤器反冲洗频率显著提升,且波动大的问题,开展了加工原油各馏分过滤性试验,以及过滤器堵塞物的富集、处理和分析表征。结果表明:煤柴油馏分中的絮状物堵塞过滤器且难以清除;该絮状物是富含铁离子和磷酸根,钙、钾、铝等无机离子,以及酰胺基团的复合物;A原油中掺入的乳化油中含有的螯合硫化亚铁的含磷杀菌剂是絮状物的主要成因。通过采取在A原油乳化油破乳时慎用含磷杀菌剂、适当延长掺混有乳化油的A原油在储罐中的存贮时间、尽量排出沉降分离的水、增加过滤器滤芯从而扩大有效过滤面积、对堵塞滤芯进行高压水冲洗和器外超声清洗相结合等一系列措施,可将加氢裂化装置原料过滤器反冲洗频率降至24 h/次。

关键词: 絮状物, 煤柴油馏分, 加氢裂化, 过滤器, 堵塞

Abstract: In view of high and unstable frequency of back flushing of filter of diesel/kerosene hydrocracking unit, filterability of differernt fraction of processed crude oil was tested, and blockage of feedstock filter of diesel/kerosene hudrocracking unit was gathered, then treated and analysised. The results show that, the floccule in diesel/kerosene fraction clogs the filter, and it is difficult to clear away through back flushing. The floccule contains massive ferric ion and phosphate ion, some of inorganic ions, for example,calcium ion,potassium ion,and aluminium ion. Furthermore, it also contains amide group.These substances come from phosphorus-containing fungicides chelated ferrous sulfide in the emulsified oil, which is mixed in processed A crude oil. By taking a series of measures,such as,using cautiously of phosphorus-containing fungicides while emulsion breaking of emulsified oil,prolonging properly storage period of A crude oil mixed with emulsified oil in the petroleum tank,and discharging off separated water,increasing filter elements for enlargement of filter area,high-pressure water cleaning combination with ultrasonic cleaning of clogged filter elements,the frequency of back flushing of filter of diesel/kerosene hydrocracking unit was reduced to 24 h per time.

Key words: floccule, diesel/kerosene fraction, hydrogen cracking, fliter, blockage